Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Good, Good, Good Vibrations?

Well summer is nearly at an end and while I enjoy the warm temperature and lush greenery around me I'm also glad that soon I won't have to listen to the infantile rumblings of motorbikes and cars with modified mufflers. You know these people, the ones with the vehicles that rattle windows, shake foundations and generally annoy everyone around them. I will never understand the need these people have to use obnoxiously loud vehicles. I suppose they could be deaf and want to "feel" the vehicle to make sure it's running but I kind of doubt that. I expect it has more to do with the person's need for others to pay attention to them. Perhaps in their everyday life they are the kind of person that no one pays attention to and just exist in the background but when they get in or on their noisy vehicle of choice suddenly it's "Hey everyone look at me! You can't ignore me now even if you wanted to can you?!". Here's an idea, how about you go out and make some friends so that the rest of us that could care less about you or your noisy vehicle can enjoy our peace and quite. The world is noisy enough with all the "background" noise of daily life without some jerk with an insecurity complex trying to make us all pay attention to them. For those of you that have these vehicles and say "but I don't need people to pay attention to me, I just like it" you fall into a different, yet more disturbing category. I can only guess that you do it because in some way the vibrations from your vehicle somehow allow you to perform some form of self gratification. My advice to those is there is therapy for people that require an audience to perform, seek it out.

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