Saturday, September 6, 2008

Why Did the Pedestrian Cross the Road?

Have you ever been driving down the street and you see a pedestrian getting ready to cross when suddenly they bolt off the curb and as soon as they get in front of your vehicle they stop their sprint and start a casual walk? What would compel a person to suddenly stop their hasty crossing right in front of a mass of metal and glass that will easily win the contest of who will survive this collision? I can only see two possibilities here. 1) They have a death wish and are looking to you to do their suicide dirty work for them. If you don't hit them then no big loss they can just try it again later. If you're that keen on ending your life that way get a sign like Wiley Coyote did, maybe you'll get lucky and someone will help you out. 2) These people are like the people with loud vehicles, they crave attention. All I have to say to those people is that in 5 minutes the only thing I will remember is you were some generic moron and in 20 minutes it will be like you never even exist. Your cry for attention, to be noticed, remembered will all have been in vain. My mental picture will have an <> where your face would be. If you want that much attention slather yourself in some raw meat and head to your local zoo and jump in the lion's pen. At least that way you will have made the news and maybe someone will have remembered you.

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