Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Turn Signals, They Aren't Just For Breakfast Anymore.

Yes it's time for yet another pet peeve of mine. Why is it people can't seem to grasp the simple concept of the turn signal? The turn signal was designed to let others around you know what you are planning to do with your 1 ton pile of potential death on wheels. You need to change lanes, turn a corner, turn down a roadway, park you car, etc you use the turn signal to notify the people around you of what you are doing. I'll make it even easier for you turn signal challenged. If you are not planning on continuing on in a straight line it's time for the turn signal. For those of you that can't be bothered to use your turn signal you deserve every accident you get into, it's just to bad you don't take into account the innocent person you involve in your lazy stupidity. This includes those of you that start turning THEN turn on your signal light. Your turn signal is to let others know what you are planning to do not what you are already doing. Remember, it's located on the steering column for your convenience so for crying out loud use it! It won't kill you to burn a fraction of a fraction of a calorie will it? Coming soon to a roadway near you, hazard lights...for broken down vehicles or lazy people?

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