Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Obilivous or A Jerk in Oblvious Clothing?

"I didn't see that no left turn sign", "Oh that was the exit door not the entrance?", "Was that a one way street? Oops.", "I thought my garbage went in the can, my bad", "Sorry wasn't paying attention to where I was going when I walked into you standing there". I could go on but I think you get the message here. There are people out there that seem to go through life with blinders on. They don't pay attention to their surroundings and are baffled by all the little incidents they get into daily. So are these people just addle minded or is there something more sinister going on here? I think that there are people that genuinely go through life in a daze but I also firmly believe that there are those that only pretend to be that way. Now why would one want to pretend to be oblivious to everything going on around them? Simple, what better way to be a complete jerk and get away with it? If someone bumped into you on purpose you'd be pretty angry but if they "accidentally" bumped into you because they weren't paying attention then they could just apologize and move on without incident. Better yet they may even get an apology from the person they wronged. For these people it's all about being passive aggressive. They decide, for whatever reason, they don't like something but instead of being rational and trying to fix it they charge in to try and meet out their own brand of personal justice. Whether it's because they feel that road shouldn't be a one way, the entrance door should have been closer to where they parked, it's stupid that you can't turn left at that light and so on these people do what they want and then claim "I wasn't paying attention" to get away with behavior they know is unacceptable. So next time someone "accidentally" does something because they weren't paying attention take a good look at them, maybe they aren't what they seem.

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