Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The Spam that Time Forgot

Okay we all hate spam right? I'm sure even the spammers hate getting other people's spam. But lately I've been getting spam that is even more annoying than just your regular plain old spam. I guess you could call it Back to the Spam for a good ole pop culture reference or Quantum Spam for the science fans. It's spam that is dated for something stupid like 1986. I've had one dated as early as 1986 and for Viagra no less. Nothing is more annoying than trying to find a "new" message among all your old ones. To the spammers that are doing this are you just lazy, stupid or is this some new marketing scheme for spam? I thought the point of spam was to try and get people to buy what you are selling. Do you think annoying them is going to help? Perhaps you are just lazy. If that's the case then the least you can do while trying to annoy us all and take up internet bandwidth is set your stinkin' computer clock!

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