Tuesday, August 26, 2008

They're Such a Great Person....

Have you ever had a bad encounter with someone or know a person that 99% of the population just can't stand and then someone comes over to you and says "they are such a great person...once you get to know them". Well I've got news for those people! How great of a person can they be if you have to get to know them to see it?! A great person, by virtue of calling them a great person, should stand out noticeably in some way. I'm not saying they should be in your face, flamboyant, loud or anything like that but you should be able to tell that the person is different in some way.

For me a "great" person is someone that thinks of others before themselves or is kind without expecting kindness in return. A "great" person finds the "great" in others that they themselves probably don't see. A "great" person looks to help improve the lives of those around them. I'm not saying that "great" people have to be saints or are infallible but they do stand out in the way they treat others. I'm by no means a "great" person and I know that but I also don't have a personality that warrants others saying "But he's such a great guy...once you get to know him". Those people are just jerks, plain and simple, with people that for some reason feel the need to make excuses for their bad behavior.

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