Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Turn Signals, They Aren't Just For Breakfast Anymore.

Yes it's time for yet another pet peeve of mine. Why is it people can't seem to grasp the simple concept of the turn signal? The turn signal was designed to let others around you know what you are planning to do with your 1 ton pile of potential death on wheels. You need to change lanes, turn a corner, turn down a roadway, park you car, etc you use the turn signal to notify the people around you of what you are doing. I'll make it even easier for you turn signal challenged. If you are not planning on continuing on in a straight line it's time for the turn signal. For those of you that can't be bothered to use your turn signal you deserve every accident you get into, it's just to bad you don't take into account the innocent person you involve in your lazy stupidity. This includes those of you that start turning THEN turn on your signal light. Your turn signal is to let others know what you are planning to do not what you are already doing. Remember, it's located on the steering column for your convenience so for crying out loud use it! It won't kill you to burn a fraction of a fraction of a calorie will it? Coming soon to a roadway near you, hazard lights...for broken down vehicles or lazy people?

They're Such a Great Person....

Have you ever had a bad encounter with someone or know a person that 99% of the population just can't stand and then someone comes over to you and says "they are such a great person...once you get to know them". Well I've got news for those people! How great of a person can they be if you have to get to know them to see it?! A great person, by virtue of calling them a great person, should stand out noticeably in some way. I'm not saying they should be in your face, flamboyant, loud or anything like that but you should be able to tell that the person is different in some way.

For me a "great" person is someone that thinks of others before themselves or is kind without expecting kindness in return. A "great" person finds the "great" in others that they themselves probably don't see. A "great" person looks to help improve the lives of those around them. I'm not saying that "great" people have to be saints or are infallible but they do stand out in the way they treat others. I'm by no means a "great" person and I know that but I also don't have a personality that warrants others saying "But he's such a great guy...once you get to know him". Those people are just jerks, plain and simple, with people that for some reason feel the need to make excuses for their bad behavior.

The Spam that Time Forgot

Okay we all hate spam right? I'm sure even the spammers hate getting other people's spam. But lately I've been getting spam that is even more annoying than just your regular plain old spam. I guess you could call it Back to the Spam for a good ole pop culture reference or Quantum Spam for the science fans. It's spam that is dated for something stupid like 1986. I've had one dated as early as 1986 and for Viagra no less. Nothing is more annoying than trying to find a "new" message among all your old ones. To the spammers that are doing this are you just lazy, stupid or is this some new marketing scheme for spam? I thought the point of spam was to try and get people to buy what you are selling. Do you think annoying them is going to help? Perhaps you are just lazy. If that's the case then the least you can do while trying to annoy us all and take up internet bandwidth is set your stinkin' computer clock!