Tuesday, March 18, 2008

The End of the World is Nigh!

Well it seems as though I've taken my next step into the internet neighborhood. After seeing a friend’s blog I decided that maybe I should give this internet sharing a whirl. I'm still not getting a myspace, facebook or any of that other stuff so don't ask! I'm not really sure what I want to do here yet. Should I make it a funny blog, an angry guy hates the world blog, inane rant blog, emo blog, talk about my pet blog, extol the virtues of Happy Bunny blog, a rage against society and the corporate world blog, talk about movies blog, a conspiracy blog, a top thirteen list blog (just to be different), links to get rich quick schemes blog, talk about how stupid you have to be to believe you can get something for nothing blog or maybe my best bet is to combine all of them and try to have a make it interesting so you don't fall asleep reading blog.

Let's start off with something I find thoroughly amusing, Happy Bunny. Just in case you don't know who he is here is a link Try the game it's fun. I think there is a little bit of Happy Bunny in all of us he just says what most of us wish we could say. Embrace your inner Happy Bunny you'll be glad you did, maybe not happier but a lot more satisfied.

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