Tuesday, March 18, 2008

People that Pay the Government for the Privilege of Being Stupid

Now for something that absolutely drives me nuts! People that bitch and moan about getting tickets. Whether it’s a parking ticket, speeding ticket, DUI or some other traffic violation ticket. A lot of people seem to think that it’s a big government conspiracy to line to pockets of the police and government officials. I love a good conspiracy theory as much as the next guy and I’m always weary of the things people will do to try and make a buck by ripping off other people but come on! If you think about it these tickets wouldn’t be the big cash cows people claim them to be if people just obeyed the law. It’s not a hard concept folks, don’t break the law and the government won’t take your money! Now I know some people say it’s their right to drive how they want to and park where they want to but you don’t really. Driving is not a right it’s a privilege. If was a right then as soon as you turned legal age to drive you would be able to hop into a vehicle and be on your merry way but that’s not how it works is it? The reason we have a licensing system is to make sure that any old moron without proper motor skills or the brain power to put together more than 2+2=4 together doesn’t get on the road. Although there are quite a few that seem to get through anyway. If you want to look for a conspiracy theory or people that get rich from ripping people off look at the people that “sell” drivers licenses. Those are the people you should be complaining to you for letting losers that otherwise should be driving on the road. The concept is so simple it’s painful. Don’t speed, don’t get a ticket, and don’t loose your money. Don’t run a red light or stop sign, don’t get a ticket, and don’t loose your money. Don’t be a complete douche bag because you somehow think your time is more valuable or that you are somehow more important than anyone else and park your car where it shouldn’t be parked and you won’t get a ticket and loose your money. Honestly, how hard is it to park your car properly and take that extra 30 seconds to walk to where you need to go? Odds are if you are that kind of person you probably need the exercise anyway. Besides that 30 seconds you save won’t really matter when you are standing there using it up to bitch about the ticket you just got and the time you will have to take to pay it. So how does it feel to save 30 seconds only to have to use up 30 minutes to deal with your stupidity? Just incase your among the mentally challenged you would have to park like that 60 times to break even and get no tickets, what are the odds you think you’ll get away with it that much?

The only conspiracy going on here is the one where the police are trying to protect people like me from the losers that feel they are somehow more important than everyone else and that they should be given special consideration to do what they want. Here’s a news flash for those people. You are not any more special than the rest, if anything it’s the opposite. You deserve to be fined till you are destitute and living on the street without your car. Maybe then it will help give you some perspective on how things really work. Everyone is equal and if we were all following the simple laws of driving then we wouldn’t have accidents that kill and injure people and waste so much of everyone’s time. When you cause an accident it’s not just the people in the accident that you affect it’s everyone around that accident. So your little time saving manoeuvres like speeding, running lights and stop signs end up costing a lot more people a lot more time than what your tiny mind thinks it’s actually saving. A small word to those that like to gawk at the accident. If you are not a doctor, nurse, EMT, fireman or any type of rescue help then move along! Staring will not help the people in the accident and all you are doing is slowing down help getting to them and causing traffic delays. How hard is that to get?

Now for the bottom feeders of all these people, the one’s that like to drink and drive. There really isn’t much I can say that these people haven’t heard before or that will sink into that ounce of butterscotch pudding they like to call their brain. You are 100% to blame if you get into a car drunk no exceptions. You know when you had alcohol so it’s not a shock that you may be drunk and that you shouldn’t drive. Sadly, the ones that truly suffer are the families of the people that loser drunk driver kills. I don’t know how, but it seems that the one that gets to live in these accidents is the scumbag that made the choice to drive drunk. Instead it’s some random person that dies because of someone else’s stupidity. If it were up to me these people would spend the rest of their lives in jail so that their “suffering” would at least try to balance out the suffering of all those family members. Not that it would ever come close to balancing out but at least it’s a start. Drink and drive, go to jail till you die in it, simple! I think the only people worse than a drunk driver, if it’s really possible, are the ones that defend these lowlifes and make a profit off of it. Maybe the people that do that should have a penalty as well. If they lose the case then they go to jail for a time as well. After a while the scumbag drivers would run out of people to defend them. Now before you get your panties in a bunch I’m not saying people are not allowed a reasonable defence. It’s the scumbags that get people off on a “technicality” that need to go. If you know you drove drunk fess up and take your punishment don’t hire someone to weasel out of it for you!

So next time you CHOOSE to speed, park illegally, run a light, drink and drive or whatever and get a ticket remember no one put a gun to your head and made you do it you CHOSE to break the law so suck it up and be a responsible human being, like you should, pay your fine and move on. If you really have extra money to burn then do something more worthwhile with it and donate to a charity or something. Anyone that complains the “cops are getting rich” off of tickets only has themselves to blame. You’re the one making them rich not me! Don’t want them to “get rich” then quit breaking the law moron!

The End of the World is Nigh!

Well it seems as though I've taken my next step into the internet neighborhood. After seeing a friend’s blog I decided that maybe I should give this internet sharing a whirl. I'm still not getting a myspace, facebook or any of that other stuff so don't ask! I'm not really sure what I want to do here yet. Should I make it a funny blog, an angry guy hates the world blog, inane rant blog, emo blog, talk about my pet blog, extol the virtues of Happy Bunny blog, a rage against society and the corporate world blog, talk about movies blog, a conspiracy blog, a top thirteen list blog (just to be different), links to get rich quick schemes blog, talk about how stupid you have to be to believe you can get something for nothing blog or maybe my best bet is to combine all of them and try to have a make it interesting so you don't fall asleep reading blog.

Let's start off with something I find thoroughly amusing, Happy Bunny. Just in case you don't know who he is here is a link Try the game it's fun. I think there is a little bit of Happy Bunny in all of us he just says what most of us wish we could say. Embrace your inner Happy Bunny you'll be glad you did, maybe not happier but a lot more satisfied.