Monday, June 9, 2008

Someone Hit The Snooze On That Car Alarm

As I was perusing my favorite web pages today I noticed that a car alarm had gone off in the street below. While not unusual in the downtown area and it's something I normally block it out as "normal" city background noise it quickly became something that could not be ignored. For the last 2 hours now it has gone off every 2-3 minutes! It really defeats the purpose of having a car alarm if you are just going to ignore it. If my car alarm had been going off that often I would be out there investigating what was going on. Now some people are probably thinking, what if the person is out of the range of their vehicle, how do you expect them to hear it and check on their vehicle? Well my answer to that is why is it going off every 2-3 minutes for over 2 hours?! Is someone attempting to steal the vehicle every 2-3 minutes? NO! Obviously something is wrong with the car alarm and it's that person's responsibility to ensure that it's function properly. At some point they have to have been near the vehicle when it's doing this if it happens that frequently, so fix it already! People that ignore their car alarms are as bad as those parents that take their kids out in public then proceed to ignore their child's tantrums. But that's for another rant...